বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ মার্চ, ২০১২

Important 90 Questions of Garments Washing & Dyeing

90 Questions of Garments Washing & Dyeing.

Prepared By   

Md. Golam Faruk       

B.Sc. in Textile Engineering 

1. Definition of garment washing.

         The technology which is used to modify the appearance, outlook comfort ability and fashion of the garments is called garment washing.
         Depending on garments construction different types of washing process can be done.
Twill/Canvas/Knitted/Corduroy - Normal wash, Pigment wash, Caustic ,Si wash
Denim/Jeans/Gabardine - Enzyme wash, Stone wash, Bleach wash , Acid wash
Grey fabric- Super  white  wash

2. Write the Purpose of washing.

   Ø   Garment washing is the best touch of a garment.
   Ø   Same type of garments can produce several effects for several wash
Like this:

 Ø    To create wash look appearance, seems the new touch of fashion.
 Ø    By the washing technique, faded/old, color or tinted affect .
 Ø    Washing technique creates new fashion such as tagging, grinding, destroy, blasting, whickering, permanent wrinkle, deep dye, tie dye, p.p spray, hand crapping, p.p spoonzing etc.
 Ø    To reduce size materials that imports soft hand feels.
 Ø    To attraction the customers/buyer by different types of fashionable washing and market development.
 Ø    Due to washing, shrinkage occurs in the garments. There is no possibility of further shrinkage of the wash garments.
 Ø    Any dirt, spot or germ if added in the garments during manufacturing is also removed due to washing.

3. Write different types of dry processing.

 Ø    Hand scrapping
 Ø    3D whiskering
 Ø    Broken
 Ø    Tagging
 Ø    Wrinkle (Permanent & Overall)
 Ø    Grinding (Hem,Pocket,Coller,Cuff)
 Ø    Destroy
 Ø    PP spray & PP sponging.

4. Write different types of wet processing.

 Ø    Normal wash/ garment wash/rinse wash
 Ø    Pigment wash
 Ø    Caustic wash
 Ø    Enzyme wash
 Ø    Stone wash
 Ø    Stone enzyme wash
 Ø    Tinting (Tie) & Over Dyeing(Dip Dyeing)
 Ø    Super white wash
 Ø    Bleach wash
 Ø    Acid wash
 Ø    Silicon wash

5. Write the machine names which are used in washing plant.

 Ø    Sample washing machine ( horizontal/vertical)
 Ø    Washing machine
 Ø    Washing machine
 Ø    Hydro extractor machine
 Ø    Dryer machine
 Ø    Dryer machine
 Ø    Chemical mixture machine
 Ø    Industrial oven
 Ø    Boiler
 Ø    Submersible pump
 Ø    Grinding machine
 Ø    Tagging machine
 Ø    Steam chamber for crinkle
 Ø    E.T.P
 Ø    Generator
 Ø    Sand blasting gun
 Ø    Sand blasting chamber
 Ø    Spray gun and dummy
 Ø    Screw compressor

6. Write the chemical names which are used in washing plant.

 Ø    Enzyme
 Ø    Acetic acid [CH3-COOH]
 Ø    Detergent
 Ø    Ant staining agent
 Ø    Bleaching powder  [Ca(OCl)CL]
 Ø    Sodium hyposulfite [Na2S2O2]
 Ø    Caustic soda [NAOH]
 Ø    Soda ash [Na2CO3]
 Ø    Sodium bicarbonate [NaHCO3]
 Ø    Potassium permanganate [KMnO4]
 Ø    Cationic/ nonionic flax softener
 Ø    Micro emulsion silicon
 Ø    Salt
 Ø    Buffer
 Ø    Hydrogen peroxide [H202]
 Ø    Stabilizer
 Ø    Fixing agent
 Ø    Catanizer
 Ø    Optical brightner
 Ø    Resin
 Ø    Sodium metabisulphite [Na2S2O5 ]
 Ø    Desizing agent.

7. What is the purpose of normal wash?

 Ø    To remove dust, dirt, oil spot, impurities from the garments.
 Ø    To remove starch presents on the garment fabrics.
 Ø    For soft feeling to wear the garments after purchasing.
 Ø    To achieve buyer washing standard.

8. What is the function of Hydro extractor machine?

The function of hydro extractor machine removes excess water from the washed garments.

9. Describe the 1st step and 2nd step of Normal/Garment wash/Rinse wash.

First step
 Ø    Lot size…………………70 kg twill/canvas garment
 Ø    Add water, L:R= 1:8-10…….560-700 liter
 Ø    Machine running
 Ø    Add detergent, 0.5 gm/liter…………..280-350gm
 Ø    Temperature………….sometime cold and sometime 40∙c to 60∙c
 Ø    Time………………….5 to 10 minutes
 Ø    Drop the liquor
 Ø    Cold wash.
Second step
 Ø    Add water, L:R= 1:6…….…….420 liter
 Ø    Washing machine running
 Ø    Add Fax softener, 0.6 gm/liter…………..252 gm
 Ø    Add acetic acid, 0.5gm/liter……………..210 gm
 Ø    Time………………….5 to 10 minutes
 Ø    Drop the liquor
 Ø    Unload the garments on trolley.

10. What is the purpose of silicon wash?

 Ø    To give durable softness and elastic handle properties.
 Ø    To increase anti pilling affects, dimensional stability and tear resistance.
 Ø    To improve wear and easy care properties.

11. Write different between normal wash and silicon wash.

Normal wash
Silicon wash
To remove dust, dirt, oil spot, impurities from the garments.

To give durable softness and elastic handle properties.

To remove starch presents on the garment fabrics.

To increase anti pilling affects and dimensional stability.
For soft feeling to wear the garments after purchasing.

To increase tear resistance property.
To achieve buyer washing standard.

To improve wear and easy care properties

12. Describe the Desizing process of silicon wash.

 Ø    Lot weight (Approx 125 pes) ............ 60 kg.
 Ø    Add water @ L: R = 1: 10.............. 600 Liter
 Ø    Machine Running.
 Ø    Add Desizing agent @ 0.6 gm / litre ............ 360 gm.
 Ø    Add Detergent @ 0.5 gm / litre.................... 300 gm.
 Ø    Temperature.......................... 50°c.
 Ø    Time...............................10-20 mts.
 Ø    Drop the liquor.
 Ø    Rinse one time 3 minutes.

13. Describe the softening process of silicon wash.

 Ø    The softening=DESIZING
 Ø    Lot weight (Approx 125 pes) ............ 60 kg.
 Ø    Add water @ L: R = 1: 10.............. 600 Liter
 Ø    Machine Running.
 Ø    Add Desizing agent @ 0.6 gm / litre ............ 360 gm.
 Ø    Add Detergent @ 0.5 gm / litre.................... 300 gm.
 Ø    Temperature.......................... 50°c.
 Ø    Time...............................10-20 mts.
 Ø    Drop the liquor.
 Ø    Rinse one time 3 minutes.


14. Write the chemicals name which are used for pigment/caustic wash process.

1.Caustic soda                          4. Acetic acid
2.Soda ash                                5. Flax softener                               
3.Detergent                               6.  Silicon

15. Write the chemicals name which are used for Enzyme wash.

 Ø    Desizing agent
 Ø    Detergent
 Ø    Anti back staining agent
 Ø    Acetic acid
 Ø    Cationic softener
 Ø    Chlorine bleach
 Ø    Soda ash
 Ø    Sodium hypo sulphite
 Ø    Sodium bi carbonate
 Ø    Silicon.

16. Write the Desizing/ first step of caustic wash process.

 Ø    Lot size: - ...................... 80 kg.
 Ø    Add water @ L : R = 1 : 8.............. 640 Liter
 Ø    Machine Running.
 Ø    Add Caustic soda (NAOH)..... @ 1.60 gm / litre........ 1024 gm.
 Ø    Add Detergent ........................ @ 0.8 gm / litre ............ 512 gm.
 Ø    Temperature........... 50°c to 60°c.
 Ø    Time (Depend upon the shade) ....... 20 to 60 mts.
 Ø    Drop the liquor.
 Ø    Wash cold water for 3 mts.

17. What is the standard r.p.m of washing machine?

 Ø    (28-35) RPM

18. Write the chemicals name which are used for softness of garments.

 Ø    Cationic softener
 Ø    Silicon
 Ø    Enzyme

19. Write the chemicals name which are used for good quality hand feel.

 Ø    Cationic softener
 Ø    Silicon
 Ø    Enzyme

20. What chemical use is for protect staining/bleeding on garments.

 Ø    Anti-back staining agent

21. What process is doing for remove starch/sizing materials from the garments?

 Ø    Desizing process

22. Why Acetic Acid is used in Enzyme bath?

 Ø    Acetic acid is used in enzyme bath to neutralize the garments from alkaline condition and to control the ph value of the bath.
 Ø    Then acid enzyme is given in enzyme wash.

23. Write different between steam dryer & gas dryer.

Steam dryer
Gas dryer
Low production rate.
High production rate.
Generally light garments, white coloured garments are dried
Generally heavy garments are      used for dry.
No risk of yellowish formation.
May be form yellowish effect on the garments.

24. Describe the Desizing process of Denim Long Pant.

 Ø    Lot weight (80 pes) ............ 60 kg denim long pant.
 Ø    Add water @ L : R = 1 : 9 .............. 540 Liter
 Ø    Machine Running.
 Ø    Temperature.......................... 60°c.
 Ø    Add Desizing agent @ 0.6 gm / litre ............ 324 gm.
 Ø    Add Detergent @ 0.8 gm / litre.................... 432 gm.
 Ø    Time...............................10-- 20 mts.
 Ø    Drop the liquor.
 Ø    Wash 1 time by cold water.



25. Describe the Enzyme bath process of Denim Long Pant by Acid Enzyme.

 Ø    Add water @ L : R = 1 : 8 .............. 450 Liter
 Ø    Temperature.......................... 45°c.
 Ø    Add Acetic Acid @ 0.6 gm / litre ................... 270 gm.
 Ø    Add Anti back staining @ 0.6 gm / litre........ 270 gm.
 Ø    Add Acid Enzyme @ 2.00 gm / litre ................ 900 gm.
 Ø    Time.............. (Depend upon the shade )...40--60 mts.
 Ø    Increase temperature to 90°c and run 1 minute (enzyme killing).
 Ø    Drain the bath. Rinse Twice, each 3 minutes.

26. Describe the Enzyme bath process of Denim Long Pant by neutral Enzyme.

 Ø    Add water at, L: R = 1: 8.............. 480Liter
 Ø    Temperature................................ 45°c.,
 Ø    Add Acetic Acid at 0.3 gm / liter..... 135CC
 Ø    Add Anti Back staining at 0.6 gm / liter ... 270 gm.
 Ø    Add Neutral Enzyme at 2.00 gm / liter ... 900 gm.
 Ø    Time... (Depend upon the shade)….40- 80 min.
 Ø    Increase temperature to 90°c and run 1 minute (enzyme killing).
 Ø    Drain the bath.
 Ø    Rinse Twice, each 3 minutes.


27. How can do the killing of Enzyme in Enzyme bath?

   Ø   For killing of enzyme in enzyme bath the temperature is increased to 900c and run for 1 minute.

   Ø   By using ENZYME KILLER.

28. Why chlorine bleach is use in Denim wet processing?

Ø  Chlorine bleach is use in denim wet processing for the better bleach action on garments. Because we know that chlorine has strong bleaching power. So that it can easily create bleaching effect on garments.

29. What chemicals is use for neutralization of chlorine bleach?

Ø  Sodium hypo sulphite (Na2S2O2)

30. Write the main 5 functions of Enzyme wash.

Ø  Develop ‘’Bio-polishing’’ affect on denim in echo-friendly way
Ø  Enzyme improves the ‘’Anti-pilling’’ properties.
Ø  It attacks more the surface of the fabrics and gives a very smooth surface.
Ø  It increases the color fastness and rubbing fastness properties.
Ø  Achieve high-low abrasion to produce fading effect in sewing area.

31. What is the action of Enzyme on Garments?

 Ø   It just hydrolysis the cellulose, first it attacks the projecting fiber then the yarn portion inside fabric and faded affect is produced.
 Ø   It reduces GSM of the garment.
 Ø   It produces buyer loving soft feel in use.

32. What is the standard time for Bleaching in Bleaching bath of Denim Garments?

Ø  (15-25)  mts

33. What types of Enzyme used in Bangladesh?

Ø  Acid and neutral Enzymes Acid and neutral Enzymes

34. Write different between Acid Enzyme & Neutral Enzyme.

               Acid enzyme
               Neutral enzyme
1) Acid enzyme colour is slightly brown.
1) Neutral enzyme is slightly white powder form.
2) ph =( 4.5 to 5.5)
2) ph= ( 6 to 7)
3) Temperature: (40-55)0 C
3) Temperature: (40-60)0C
4) Time: 25-50 min
4) Time: 40-70 min
5) More staining
5) Less staining.

35. How can control the ph value in Garments?

Ø  If garments in alkali media then we apply acid to control ph.
Ø  if any garments in acetic media then we apply alkali to control ph.
Ø  By using Buffer solution.


36. What types of Enzyme suitable for Dark shade Enzyme wash of Denim Long Pant & why?

 Ø               Neutral enzyme is used for Dark shade enzyme wash  because it comes fading effect    slowly.

37. What type of Enzyme suitable for medium/light shade Enzyme wash of Denim skirt?

 Ø   Acid enzyme is used for medium /light shade Enzyme wash of denim skirt because it comes enzyme effect quickly than neutral enzyme.

38. Write Desizing process of twill Long Pant for Enzyme wash.

Lot weight (80 pieces) ............ 60 kg denim long pant.

Ø  Add water at L : R = 1 : 9
Ø  Machine Running.
Ø  Add Desizing agent at 0.6 gm / litre
Ø  Add Detergent at 0.8 gm / litre
Ø  600C & (15-20) min then drop the liquor.

39. Write Enzyme bath process of Twill Long Pant Enzyme wash.

 Ø                   Add water at L : R = 1 : 8 .............. 450 Litre
 Ø                  Temperature.......................... 45°c.
 Ø                   Add Acetic Acid at 0.6 gm / litre ................... 270 gm.
 Ø                   Add Anti back staining at 0.6 gm / litre........ 270 gm.
 Ø                  Add Acid Enzyme at 2.00 gm / litre ................ 900 gm.
 Ø                 Time.............. (Depend upon the shade)...40--60 mts.
 Ø                  Increase temperature to 90°c and run 1 minute (enzyme killing).
 Ø                 Drain the bath.
  Rinse Twice, each 3 minutes.

40. Write different types of washing faults.

Ø  Color shade variation.
Ø  Crease Marks.
Ø  After wash hole.
Ø  Very dark & very light.
Ø  Bleach Spot.
Ø  Bottom hem & course edge destroy.
Ø  Running shading.
Ø  Over blasting / low Blasting.
Ø  Over grinding / low grinding.
Ø  Bad smell due to poor neutralization.
Ø  Poor hand feel.
Ø  To high hairiness.
Ø  Poor brightness.
Ø  High or low affect / abrasion on garments.
Ø  Spot on garments.
Ø  Out of range / level of ph value of garments.

41. What is the perfect temperature for Acid Enzyme and neutral Enzyme?

Ø  (40-60) 0C

42. Write main process of Stone Enzyme Wash for Denim Long Pant.

ID ECHO=500 g
  60CX20 min
  00CX2 min
ID ECHO=500 g
STONE=15 kg
00CX2 min
ID ECHO =300g
45CX5 min
00CX2 min
7. SEND TO  PP                                                                             


    00CX5 min
WATER=700L  ,   00CX2 min
WATER=700 L  ,  K.C.I.=6 kg
WATER=700L, 00CX2 min
  HYPO=2 kg,  00CX5 min
 WATER=700 L, 00CX2 min
   14. CAUSTIC
ID ECHO=100g
CAUSTIC = 200g
15(last step).ph CONTROL+SOFTNER
  00CX3 min
SIGNAURE (Check and Delivery):


43. Write the function of Antistain, Detergent, and Potassium per Manganate, Micro Emulsion Softener, Hydrogen Peroxide, Optical Brightener, and Desizing Agent.

Ø ANTISTAIN: To protect the garment from staining , bleeding.
Ø DETERGENT: To remove dust, dirt and other impurities from the garments.
Ø POTASSIUM PER MANGANATE: after desizing it is sprayed in garments area.
                   It helps for color out from garment during  Enzyme wash.
Ø MICRO EMULSION SOFTENER:  To soft the garment and get better hand feel.
Ø HYDROGEN PEROXIDE:  Enhances bleach to produce light shade.
Ø OPTICAL BRIGHTENER:  For more whitening grey fabrics.
Ø DESIZING AGENT:   Removes the sizing material from the garment

44. Describe only Bleaching process of Bleach wash of Denim Long Pant.

Ø  Add water @ L: R = 1: 8.............. 480 litres.
Ø  Machine running.
Ø  Add bleaching powder (k.c.i) @ 10 gm/litre. 4800 gm.
Ø  Add soda ash @ 5 gm/litre ............................... 2400 gm.
Ø  Temperature............................................................ 60°c.
Ø  Time (Depend upon the shade).................... 12 to 15 mts.
Ø  Drop the liquor.
Ø  Rinse twice, each 3 minutes.

45. What do you know about pumic stone?

    Ø   When the impurities amount will be 10% of a pumic stone its 
density increases to 1 gm/cm3.   Then the stone will not float.
   Ø   Alternative of pumic stone: SYNTHETIC STONE
   Ø   Stone wt. /fabric wt. = 0.5 to 3 /1
   Ø   Dia.of stone-1-7 cm
   Ø   Moisture content-less than 5%
   Ø   Surface properties-less than 5% fines
   Ø   Apparent Density-0.5-0.75gm/cm3
   Ø   Abrasion loss-35%
   Ø   Large, hard stones last longer and may be suited for heavy weight fabrics only.
   Ø   Smaller, softer stones would be used for light weight fabrics and more delicate items.

46. Write the App. Enzyme & Silicon wash charge for Twill Men’s & Boy’s Trouser separately.

Ø  Twill men’s  for Enzyme u$ 2.5-3.00 / Doz. For  boys trouser
U$ (2.00-2.50)/Doz.
Ø   For silicon wash twill men’s u$2.00-2.50/Doz and  For boys trouser

47. Why we run the dryer with garment after dry 10 to 15 mts. In cold position?

   Ø   We run the dryer with garment after dry 15-20 mts to back the garments to normal temperature
   Ø   Evaporation of water vapor from inner drum.

48. Which dryer is suitable to dry white readymade garments and why?

Ø  because there is no possibility to occur any stain, yellowish effect.

49. Describe the risk/problem of gas dryer.

   Ø   The temp of gas dryer can be increased suddenly and it also makes flame.
So there have high risk to get damage of garments.
   Ø   If the temp of gas dryer is higher, then garments will also be destroyed or loss of strength.
   Ø   Sometime  occurs yellowish effect on fabrics so avoided during white coloured garments drying

50. Describe the fault/problem of garments if Excess Load in the washing machine.

Washing chemicals will not work properly so desizing/fading/bleaching/softening will not achieve as required level.

51. What are the reasons of after wash hole?

   Ø   For improper application of chemical
   Ø   Defect of washing machine.
   Ø   FOR STONE with less L:R amount during washing

52. What is the standard r.p.m (inner drum) of industrial dryer?

   Ø   RPM= 24 for any volume of garments

53. If inner drum r.p.m of washing m/c and dryer m/c is too high, what types of effect on garments?

   Ø   If inner drum r.p.m of washing machine is high then the garments attached
with inner drum and with one another and their rotation be increase. As a result the garments become more compact and that’s why the chemical solution for washing machine and temp for dryer machine cannot work properly towards
the garments.

54. What are the std L:R for Desizing, Enzyme bath, Softener bath.

L: R for desizing 1:9.
L: R for enzyme bath 1:7.
L: R for softener bath 1:6

55. Write the name of steps of Stone Enzyme wash process of Denim Long Pant.

   Ø   Desizing
   Ø   Hot wash
   Ø   Enzyme wash
   Ø   Bleaching
   Ø   Neutral wash
   Ø   Soft wash
   Ø   Hydro extractor Machine
   Ø   Drying
   Ø   Delivery.

56. Write the name of steps of Enzyme wash process of Denim (Dark) Enzyme wash process.

Ø  Desizing
Ø  Enzyme
Ø  Softening
Ø  Hydro extractor Machine
Ø  Drying
Ø  Delivery.

57. Write the flow chart of (Medium) Enzyme wash of Denim readymade Garments.



58. Write the chemical name of Acid wash process.

Ø  Desizing agent
Ø  Detergent.
Ø  Potassium per manganate.
Ø  Phosphoric acid.
Ø  Metabisulphite.
Ø  Acetic acid.
Ø  Softener

 59. What is the standard stock solution of P.P. solution?

Stock solutions for P.P spray is 10gm KMnO4 in 1 litre SOLn + 1% LUBRICANT


 60. How do you neutralization of P.P. treatment garment?

Oxalic acid (COOH-COOH)


61. Write the precaution of Acid wash.

   Ø   Maintain the stock solution properly constant when comes socking the stone.
   Ø   No water licks age in to the machine when treated pumic stone & garments in to the machine.
   Ø   Not excess load the garments in the Acid wash processing.
   Ø   Add some new stone after finishing on batch to maintain the volume for 2nd batch. It is a matter of experience.

62. What type of dyes used for Tinting of ready made garments?

Reactive Dye, Direct dye.

63. Generally which color is used for Tinting?

Orange (bright color), Yellow or Blue. Similar shade given colours.


 64. Write the main tinting process (Dyeing) by Direct Dyes.

Step 1: Desizing: Batch size: 60pcs
 Ø              Water is added
 Ø               Garments are loaded
 Ø                Machine started
 Ø               500 gm Soda ash added
 Ø              500 gm Caustic soda added
 Ø               200 gm Bio. D added
 Ø               Steam temp: 60°C
 Ø                Process time: 25 minutes
 Ø              Drop liquor

            Step 2: Enzyme wash:

 Ø              Water added 400 liters
 Ø              Machine running
 Ø              200 ml liquid, 400 gm powder type enzyme added
 Ø             150 ml Acetic acid added
 Ø              200 gm Anti Back staining agent added
 Ø            10 kg Pumice stone added
 Ø             Temp: 50°C
 Ø              Process time: 60 minutes
 Ø             Drop liquor

        Step 3:Bleaching
 Ø              Add water at L:R=1:8…..480 litre
 Ø              Machine running.
 Ø             Add bleaching powder (k.c.i) at 10 gm/litre.. 4800 Gms.

 Ø           Add soda ash @ 5 gm/litre ..............2400 gm
 Ø           50c x15-20 mts

 Ø           Drop the liquor.

 Ø             Rinse twice, each 3 minutes.

                       Step 4: Neutral wash

 Ø              Water is added: 400 liters
 Ø                 Machine running
 Ø              500 gm Hypo sulphide added
                       Steam temp: 45°C
 Ø              Process time: 10 minutes
 Ø             Drop liquor
                           Step 5: Tinting

 Ø                  Water is added (400 liters)
 Ø                 Machine running
 Ø                Add  0.02% Direct Brown GTL and 0.01% Direct Black V-200

 Ø                4kg salt is added
 Ø                Steam temp: 70°C
 Ø                Process time: 20 minutes
 Ø               Check shade
 Ø               Drop the liquor
  Step 6: Drying

65. Write the main tinting process (Dyeing) by Reactive Dyes.

        Step 1: Desizing: Batch size: 60pcs

 Ø                  Water is added
 Ø                  Garments are loaded
 Ø                   Machine started
 Ø                  500 gm Soda ash added
 Ø                  500 gm Caustic soda added
 Ø                  200 gm Bio. D added
 Ø                  Steam temp: 60°C
 Ø                  Process time: 25 minutes
 Ø                  Drop liquor
                Step 2: Enzyme wash:

 Ø              Water added 400 liters
 Ø              Machine running
 Ø             200 ml liquid, 400 gm powder type enzyme added
 Ø             150 ml Acetic acid added
 Ø              200 gm Anti Back staining agent added
 Ø              10 kg Pumice stone added
 Ø              Temp: 50°C
 Ø               Process time: 60 minutes
 Ø              Drop liquor

             Step 3:Bleaching

 Ø               Add water at L:R=1:8…..480 litre
 Ø               Machine running.
 Ø              Add bleaching powder (k.c.i) at 10 gm/litre.. 4800 Gms.

 Ø              Add soda ash @ 5 gm/litre ..............2400 gm
 Ø              50c x15-20 mts

 Ø             Drop the liquor.

 Ø             Rinse twice, each 3 minutes.

       Step 4: Neutral wash

 Ø               Water is added: 400 liters
 Ø                Machine running
 Ø                500 gm Hypo sulphide added
 Ø                 Steam temp: 45°C
 Ø               Process time: 10 minutes
 Ø               Drop liquor

       Step 5: Tinting

 Ø           Water is added (400 liters)
 Ø            Machine running
 Ø            Add 0.03% Reactive MPL and 0.02% Reactive 300 pp

 Ø             4kg salt is added
 Ø             Steam temp: 70°C
 Ø              Process time: 20 minutes
 Ø            Check shade
 Ø            Drop the liquor
     Step 6: Drying

66. What is Standard Blowing angle for Sand Blasting?


67. What are the main ingredients for Sand Blasting process?


68. Write the approx. Production/hr/gun of sand Blasting.

25-50 garments (depends on rate of fading needed)


69. Write the name of protective items for health in the sand blasting process.

   Ø   Mask
   Ø   Hand gloves
   Ø   Sound protector
   Ø   Cap
   Ø   Safety Glass
   Ø   Apron


70. What do you mean by PP Spray?

   Ø   By spray gun potassium permanganate is sprayed on garments surface.
   Ø   Chemical composition: 10g kmno4 in 1 litre soln with 1% lubricant.
   Ø   After desizing pp is done then neutralized by oxalic acid.
   Ø   Very much body hazard.
   Ø   High production rate.

        PP SPRAY

71. What do you mean by PP Sponging?

   Ø   Buyer recommended PP Sponging avoiding ppspray
   Ø   But manufacturer ignored it because PP sponging has low production
   Ø   Manually by sponge potassium permanganate is get touched with garments
before main enzyme wash and after desizing and hot wash.

72. What is the purpose of PP Spray?

To import smogy faded effect in garments.

73. What is the purpose of PP Sponging?

To import fading effect in specific areas (thigh,bum,knee) of garments as buyer recommended.

74. What do you mean by Whiskering?

 Ø    It is known as CAT’s whisker, Moustache, Honeycomb.
 Ø    Its another form that shows a worn effect but fashionable garments.

Steps of Whiskering:
       Ø        Plot  the design (buyer) on a tracing paper
       Ø       Transfer the design on ply wood
       Ø        Place the rubber sheet on ply wood  as the design on ply wood
       Ø       Attach rubber with wood by gum to make the pattern
       Ø       Enter the pattern in front opening of pant
       Ø       Rub by emery paper (300,400,500) ppm


 Ø    Thus the effect comes on garments is called  “WHISKERING”

75. What do you mean by Tagging?

 Ø    Tag the garments (before washing) import fashionable effect after washing.
 Ø    In high temperature process tag is done by knotting, high effect occur.
 Ø    In low temperature process tag is done by tag gun, less effect occur





76. What do you mean by Grinding?

 Ø    By grinding machine totally damaged the edge of pocket,hem.



77. What do you mean by Destroy?

 Ø    By destroy gun a little portion (small line/circle/shape) is damaged.
 Ø    After destroy tou can only see the weft (white) yarn portin.
 Ø    Very much experinced labour are required.


78. What types of fabrics are suitable for Permanent Crinkle?

 Ø    Dense woven fabrics normally (twill like DENIM, plain like BABY FROK)
 Ø    Single jersey ( rare case )


79. Write the chemical name for permanent Crinkle on the Garment.

       Ø   Stock solutions for Resin solution is 300g resin in 700L water.
       Ø         Wetting agent                            : 0.5% owf
       Ø             Resin                                      : 6-10% owf
       Ø             Softener                                  : 3-5% owf
       Ø             Water                                     : 60-80 liters 

80. What is the standard Temperature for permanent Crinkle on the oven?

 Ø    160 0C(std.)  / 40 to 60 0C  (usual in HAMS)

81. What is the standard time is required for permanent wrinkle in the oven?

 Ø    15 min (std.)    /30 min  (usual in HAMS)

    Steam Chamber

82. What do you mean by overall Crinkle?

Which type of crinkle  is created  through the hole  garments  but  not permanently  placed, that  is  called  overall  crinkle.
  Basis on area of  crinkle the  overall  crinkle  is  determined.
       Overall  crinkle  is  done in :

Mens shirt-pant, Women  tops  etc.

83. What types of Dyes are used for 100% cotton readymade Garments?

 Ø    Vat dye(high cost, excellent fastnes)
 Ø    Reactive dye(less cost. Good fastness)
 Ø    Indigo dye (better rubbing fastness)
 Ø    Disperse dye
 Ø    Sulphur dye

84. What do you mean by Ready for Dyeing Garments?

 Ø    RDG means which garments already desized,scoured,bleached.
 Ø    Its colour is white. It is clean and ready to treat with dye.


85. Write the main/first step of ready for dyeing process.

 Ø    Good pretreatment (DESIZING)

86. What do you mean by super white process?

 Ø              Which washing process creates white garments made of cotton grey fabrics is called super white process, it just severly washed out the colour of garments by extreme bleach action then brightening the garments.

87. Write the chemical names which are used for super white process.

 Ø             Detergent
 Ø            Caustic soda(COLD)
 Ø            Soda ash
 Ø            Hydrogen per oxide
 Ø           Stabilizer
 Ø           Acetic acid
 Ø           Optical brightener agent

88. Write the Dyeing bath process of Pigment Dyes for cotton readymade Garment.
Pigment dyes are useful to give a washdown casual look on leisurewear. These dyes are less precise than reactive dyes as colour matching cannot be so precisely achieved. This is because the process involves 3 main stages. The first stage is to treat the fabric with a cationic product. This in effect makes the fabric more readily accept pigment dye molecules that do not really penetrate the fibres as other dye types but tend to sit on the surface of the fabric. This quality is how the washdown look is reached in the second stage.
The second stage is applying the pigment dye. With the machine turning quite quickly the pigment dye in liquid form, rather like paint, is introduced into the machine and is dispersed over the fabric. The machine turns quickly to ensure an even dispersal. During this part of the process the mechanical action of the machine and the fabrics rubbing on each other knocks off some of the dye. The dye is reduced particularly from the high spots such as seams, hems pocket edges and so forth. There is no separate washdown process as this dye cycle is usually sufficient to achieve the required look. As the dye only sits on the surface removing some of it by mechanical action reveals the undyed fibre. This gives the worn look associated with pigment dyes. 
The third stage involves processing with a binder. This is designed to keep the pigment dye attached to the surface of the fabric. Of course there are various rinse stages between the main processes and the final stage is usually a softening bath.
You will see how the result is dependent on completing all stages and a fair amount of mechanical action. This is why it is not practical to do lab dips as you would for reactive dyes. It is also why you need to process a number of garments together even when sampling to produce the desired effect. 
Pigment dye molecules are relatively large and easily filtered at water treatment plants and are therefore considered to be eco friendly. They are also processed at generally lower temperatures than reactive dyes and the process time is shorter. These factors further contribute to their eco friendly status.
Some advantages of pigment dyes include their ability to cover non-cotton fabrics at least to certain extent. So for example, some of our customers buy basic T-shirts and sweatshirts in white, which are nearly always sewn with polyester thread. (Polyester thread will not dye at all with reactive dye). This means the seams and other sewn parts; button holes etc will accept at least some of the pigment dye. A white T-shirt dyed with reactive dye but sewn with polyester thread will dye perfectly to any shade but the stitching will remain white. Of course garments known as PFD – prepared for dyeing – will be sewn with cotton thread and this is ideal as they can be dyed with any dye type and the stitching will dye too. 
Some types of cotton knits, often the lower quality ones, may pill to a certain extent with the mechanical action during pigment dyeing. This can usually be corrected with an enzyme treatment, which removes the pilling, and smoothes the fabrics.

Pigment dyes can give a huge variety of shades including bright colours. They do have limitations when trying to reach very dark or deep shades. For example a deep black is not possible, using pure black pigment will result in a dark grey. Also unlike reactive dyes pigment dyes cannot be stripped. They may be modified by applying another shade on the top to lighten or change the appearance but you cannot remove all the colour and start again.

If you would like any further information about pigment dyeing please contact us.
As leading garment dyers we work for manufacturers, designers and importers across the UK. We offer you high quality garment dyeing using the best reactive dyes for levelness, colourfastness and reproducibility. Garment dyeing can help you reduce your stocks and enable you to offer more choice and faster repeat orders to your customers. By holding your stock in undyed form you can make decisions about shades later in the production cycle. Also by garment dyeing you reduce the risk of surplus stocks of slow selling shades as well as producing garments which have a more luxurious feel than garments made from dyed fabric. If you are already familiar with garment dyeing you will know that garments should be sewn with cotton thread and allowance made for shrinkage. We are very happy to help advise you if garment dyeing is new territory for you.

We use only safe non toxic dyes from industry leading European suppliers.
More about non toxic dyes.
In addition we offer:
Pigment garment dyeing for the washdown vintage look. More about pigment dyeing.
Enzyme treatments and bleaching treatments for denim garments.

Poly/viscose lightweight garment dyeing is one of our specialities.

Traditional wool scouring and felting and water resist treatments.

Corrective work on imported garments. Eg. We recently corrected 25,000
pairs of shorts for a premier division football club. Red dye from the trim
was leeching into the white fabric. We fixed this.

Great colour matching skills to pantone colours or your own shades.

A fast turn round for samples and production.

Our dyehouse manager is one of the most experienced garment dyers in Europe he is a Chartered Colourist and a member of the Society of Dyers and Colourists.
Sulfast dyes:
Sulfast dyes are of the conventional class of Sulphur dyes and find their main use in the dyeing of cellulosics and their blends. They are insoluble in water but can be converted into their leuco form using a reducing agent like sodium sulphide, in which state they have a high affinity for the fibre.
Sulfast dyes exhibit good all round fastness properties except for hypochlorite bleaching.
General Application Methods:Sulfast dyes can be applied in the following ways:
Jigger Dyeing - Batch wise.
Drum Dyeing - Garments.
Warp – sheet dyeing - Denim.
Solfast dyes:
Solfast dyes are water-soluble dyes but having no substantivity. Hence can be applied by the pigmenting system to allow the dye to fully penetrate the substrate by padding (as in the case of woven fabrics) or by package dyeing (as in the case of yarn) and then reduced at a later stage. This helps to ensure better penetration and level dyeing
Application Methods:Solfast dyes can be applied in the following ways
Package (Cone or Cheese) Dyeing.
Pad – Steam
Pad – Batch
Pad – Dry – Chemical Pad.
Warp – Sheet dyeing.
Texcron Pigment Dyeing System:
The Texcron Pigment Dyeing system is a revolutionary concept, which has been the result of our R & D efforts to provide the garment-dyeing sector with a product range, which is great for fashion. This range provides excellent wash down effects (only pigments can), which are so much in vogue today. The salient features of this system are:

The dyeing system is easy on the effluent!
Excellent wash down effects!
Clean and level dyeing!
Good all round fastness!
Easy to use!
Cost effective!
The application consist of the following steps:
Textreat: A process wherein a charge is created in the fabric, providing an affinity for the pigment.
Pigmentation: Actual exhaustion of pigment onto the fabric.
Fixation: Treating the pigment dyed garments with a specialty Binder and Fixer to provide good Fastness.
Magna products:
Magna is a UK based company, and a leading provider of innovative products and services for the textile dyeing and printing sectors.
Specialty printing products.
Indigo discharge system (paste and spray).
  Textile auxiliaries
Processing of Textile material involves the use of diverse types of chemicals to perform various functions. These compounds are called Textile auxiliaries or textile chemicals. These chemicals are used in the processing of different substrates and are also used in giving value addition to the processed fabric.
The chemicals can be broadly classified in to three categories like


Brief description
Silicone defoamer
Sulfanol SIL
Effectively controls foam in high turbulence machines.
Non Silicone Defoamer
Sulfanol NSIL
Non silicone based foam suppressant for high turbulence machines.
Wetting & rewetting agent
Sulfanol WRW
Excellent instant wetting & rewetting agent for all substrates.
Wetting agent
Sulfanol WET
Highly efficient wetting and scouring agent for all substrates.
Stain remover
Sulfanol HPSR
Effective stain remover and scouring agent for removal of grease, oil, etc.
Wetting & detergent.
Sulfanol WDET
Highly efficient wetting and detergent stable to alkali.
Low foam Detergent
Sulfanol WDLF
Highly efficient wetting and scouring agent for high turbulence machines.
Scouring & wetting agent.
Sulfanol CTD
High alkali stable wetter cum detergent for scouring and bleaching.
High temperatures sequestrant
Sulfaxil HTS
Very efficient for chelation of heavy metals and elimination of calcium, magnesium and ferrous precipitates.
Low Temperature sequestrant
Sulfaxil LTSN
Non foaming high dispersing and sequestering agent for feed water for all stages of operation.
Low Temperature sequestrant
Sulfaxil LTS
High chelatio, high dispersing agent for water of high hardness.
Lubricating agent
Sulfaxil LUBE
Reduces fibre to fibre friction during all stages of processing and also reduces weight loss during processing.
Peroxide stabilizer
Sulfaxil OS
Non-silicate based organic stabilizer for controlled bleaching with peroxide to get max whiteness without tendering the fabric.
Scouring & wetting agent
Sulfanol NIW
Low cost highly efficient scouring cum wetting agent.
Scouring cum stain remover
Sufanol WTI
Unique stain remover cum scouring agent especially for synthetic fabrics and its blend.
Low foaming Detergent
Sulfanol EC-LF
Ecofriendly Low foaming wetting cum scouring agent for any type of machine.


Brief description
Silicone defoamer
Sulfanol SIL
Effective foam suppressant in dyeing especially in disperse dyeing.
Non Silicone Defoamer
Sulfanol NSIL
Non silicone based defoamer which can work as a deaerating agent.
Wetting & rewetting agent
Sulfanol WRW
Excellent instant wetting for substrates while dyeing.
Wetting agent
Sulfanol WET
Efficient wetting agent for all substrates during dyeing.
Dye fixing agent
Sulfaxil FX
Improves wash fastness properties of Reactive and Direct dyes.
Non Formaldehyde dye fixing agent
Sulfaxil NFX
Improves wash fastness properties of Reactive and Direct dyes, releases no formaldehyde.
Non Formaldehyde dye fixing agent
Sulfaxil NFX Ultra
Formaldehyde free ,for premium goods Improves wash fastness properties of Reactive and Direct dyes, does not affect the light fastness properties.
High temperature sequestrant
Sulfaxil HTS
Very efficient for chelation of heavy metals and elimination of calcium, magnesium and ferrous precipitates.
Low Temperature sequestrant
Sulfaxil LTSN
Non foaming high dispersing and sequestering agent for feed water for all stages of operation.
Low Temperature sequestrant
Sulfaxil LTS
High chelation, high dispersing agent for water of high hardness.
Lubricating agent
Sulfaxil LUBE
It assists easy circulation of Liquor in cheese dyeing and overcomes the filtration effect.
Non- foaming, fastness improver
Sulfaxil SNS
Ecofriendly, non-foaming, fastness improver during coloration with good chelating, dispersing action on metal impurities present in the process water.
Washing off agent
Sulfaxil WOF
Helps in avoiding tinting of adjacent fabrics, effective in hard water and ideal as a continuous soaper.
Acid buffer
Sulfaxil HPAB
Provides efficient buffering system during dyeing and printing, regulates pH through out the processing cycle.
Anti back staining agent
Sulfaxil ABS
Very good anti back staining agent for denims in garment processing.
Oxidizing agent
Sulfaxil ECOX
Effective oxidizing agent for Sulfur and vat dyes from the leuco to the insoluble state.
Reducing agent
Sulfaxil RUDC
Excellent reducing agent for sulphur black Liquids and solubilised sulphur.
Sulfaxil AOIY
An effective antioxidant for dye bath stability during sulphur dyeing.
Mordenting agent
Sulfaxil ALZET
Mordanting agent for sulphur dyeing.
Cationising agent
Sulfaxil SLFX
Fixing agent for pigment dyeing without using binder.
Peroxide neutralizer
Sulfaxil Neutrox
Excellent peroxide neutralizer, gives uniform results without affecting dyeing in one bath.
Soda ash Replacement
Sulfaxil SAR
It is a replacement of soda ash in reactive dyeing.
It reduces TDS of the bath
Acetic acid Replacement
Sulfaxil G Acid
It is a complete replacement of Acetic Acid in all process.
Mild Oxidizing Agent for Polyester
Sulfaxil AR
It's improving the reproducibility and colour yield of disperse dyes, which is sensitive to alkaline condition.
Lubricating Agent
Sulfaxil ACE
It assists easy circulation of Liquor in cheese dyeing and overcomes the filtration effect.
Peroxide stabilizer
Sulfaxil OS
Non-silicate based organic stabilizer for controlled bleaching with peroxide to get max whiteness without tendering the fabric.
Dye Bath Conditioner
It is a high performance dye bath conditioner especially for yarn wet processing. It will maintain the package density uniformly thus preventing any chanell formation.
Fastness Improver
It is a high performance eco friendly fastness improver during coloration with good chelating, dispersing action on metal impurities present in the process water.


Brief description
Wetting & rewetting agent
Sulfanol WRW
Excellent wetting agent and can be used with softener to improve the absorbency.
Non Yellow cationic softener
Sulfanine CS
Very effective softener for cotton goods with minimal thermal yellowing
Cationic softener in liquid form
Sulfanine PWS Liquid
Very good softener for cotton and especially for terry towel, retains hydrophilicity of the substrate.
Hot soluble conc. Softener in Flakes form
Sulfanine HWS Flakes
Dilutable softener which can be used along with stitch lubricant.
Cold soluble conc. Softener in Flakes form
Sulfanine CWS Flakes
Easily dilutable softener, which has minimal effect on the treated fabric.
Warm water soluble conc. Softener in Flakes form
Sulfanine NIS Flakes
Easily dilutable softener, which imparts full soft handle & surface smooth ness on both garments and fabrics.
Non-ionic softener in paste form
Sulfanine NIP
Can be applied on all types of fabrics to achieve soft and full handle. can be applied by padding and also by exhaust.
Silicone softener
Sulfanine DM
Specialty softener, which imparts softness with a wet feel with body.
Silicone softener
Sulfanine HNY
A non-yellowing softener, which imparts antistatic finish with hydrophilicity.
Nonionic softener
Sulfanine DR
Thermo stable micro-emulsion for spun/ spun x spun /textured shirting, suiting, dress material and garments.
Antiozonate softener
Sulfanine AOZ
Antiozonate softener for denim to prevent ozone fading by storage.
Yarn Lubricant
Sulfanine GYL
Lubricating agent to control yarn to yarn & yarn to metal friction with softness.
Silicone softener
Sulfanine PAS
Silicone micro emulsion to impart excellent surface softness with bulk to the all type of fabric.
Silicone softener
Sulfanine MAS
Silicone micro emulsion, gives excellent inner softness and silky touch to the all type of fabric.
Silicone softener
Sulfanine DMN
Speciality softener, which imparts softness with a wet feel with body.
Hydrophilic Softener
Sulfanine Hydra
Non-Yellowing hydrophilic softener with antistatic properties.
Hydrophilic Softener
Sulfanine USIL
Non-Yellowing hydrophilic softener with smooth and soft feel.
Yarn Lubricant
Fibre Finish
Sulfanine EYSL
It is a high performance exhaustible yarn lubricant , designed to impart optimum coefficient of yarn to yarn and yarn to metal friction. In addition,It gives uniform soft handle to the treated yarn.

The trend today is towards garment processing. This is because garment processing offers the processor better and more varied opportunities to add value to the garments in terms of fashionable looks as well as feel. In such a fast changing scenario, Enzymes are playing an important role.
Sulfast Chemical Industries with its indepth knowledge of the Textile and Fashion Industry has a whole range of enzymes to offer to the processor.
This in simple terms is a process to remove the size from the cotton fabric. 'Size' is nothing but the add-on impurities to the cotton fibre to prevent the yarn from breakage during mechanical processing. The most common size ingredients are starch, gums, waxes and some synthetic sizes. Depending on the size composition, various blends of amylases, lipases or proteases are used.

Current Products:
Sulfazyme A5X
Sulfazyme AX
Scouring is the process of removing the natural impurities in cotton like oils, fats and waxes. Conventional scouring involves the use of highly alkaline chemicals like sodium hydroxide and scouring agents, which not only attack the impurities but also the cellulose leading to a reduction in strength of the fabric. The resultant feel of the fabric is also harsh. The load on the effluent is also higher.
Bio-scouring offers an alternative, where the partial replacement with an enzymatic scouring agent provides an environmentally friendly process which also leaves the fabric with a softer handle.
Current Products:

Sulfazyme SCRL
The denim garments are given various treatments to impart novel looks. Cellulases play an active role in producing the stonewashing effects, salt-pepper effect etc. Traditionally this is done with the use of pumic stones where the abrasion can also damage the garment. In contrast cellulase enzymes provide the worn-out look in a more gentle manner.

In the wet processing of garments (denim or non-denim, woven or knits), there is a resultant hairiness on the surface of the fabric. Bio-polishing is the enzymatic treatment given to garments to give the following effects:
1. Removes the protruding fibres from the surface by hydrolyzing them.
2. No pilling, or hariness .
3. Provides a smooth and clean look.
4. Imparts a soft feel to the fabric.
Sulfast Chemical Industries has developed a range of enzymes, blended with different activity types to suit various needs.
Current Products:
Sulfazyme BSP, Sulfazyme BCA, Sulfazyme CAL, Sulfazyme DXP/DXPI, Sulfazyme BPL, Sulfazyme NP pdr, Sulfazyme NL liq., Sulfazyme SPG pdr Sulfazyme FDX pdr, Sulfazyme BSR etc.
Peroxide Killers:
Residual hydrogen peroxide must be removed from the fabric after bleaching treatments, which would otherwise be detrimental to subsequent processing. Catalayse enzymes can be used to work specifically on residual peroxide as an anti-oxidant breaking it down into natural elements of water and oxygen without adversely affecting the fibres or dyes.
Current Products:

Sulfazyme APN
Tinting enzymes:
Sulfast Chemical Industries has successfully developed a range of various tint enzymes that do the dual work of bio-washing and tinting in a one-step process. These enzymes incorporate the use of natural dyes and surprisingly offer good fastness as well.
Current Products:
Sulfazyme TNZ series.

Brief description
Sulfanol WRW
Alpha amylase enzyme for desizing of garments/fabric containing sizes with starch and starch derivatives.
Sulfazyme AX
Cost effective alpha amylase enzyme.
Sulfazyme SCRL
Pectinase Enzyme for bioscouring of Knitts and woven fabrics,imparting softness to the fabric.
Sulfazyme BSP
Genetically modified trichoderma spp. enzyme for biopolishing/biowashing of cotton/denim garments
Sulfazyme BCA
Fungal acid cellulase enzyme for bio-polishing
Sulfazyme CAL
Fungal acid cellulase enzyme which provides high level of abrasion to the garments.
Bio-polishing / Bio-fading
Sulfazyme DXP
Cost effective acid cellulase enzyme which gives both bio-polishig and bio-fading effects.
Bio-polishing / Bio-fading
Sulfazyme DXPi
Cost effective acid cellulase enzyme which gives both bio-polishig and bio-fading effects.
Bio-polishing / Bio-fading
Sulfazyme BPL
Cost effective acid cellulase enzyme with superior bio-polishing and lesser fading.
Back-stain removal
Sulfazyme BSR
Engineered component of cellulase enzyme designed to remove backstaining as an aftertreatment.
Sulfazyme FDX pdr
Acid cellulase in powder form for low back-staining.
Sulfazyme NP Pdr
Pseudo neutral enzyme for good bio-polishing with low colour pull.Ideal for pigment dyed garments.
Sulfazyme NL Liq.
Pseudo neutral enzyme for good bio-polishing with low colour pull.Ideal for pigment dyed garments.
Peroxide Killer
Sulfazyme APN
Effective bio-catalyst in removal of peroxide.
Bio-washing / Fading
Sulfazyme SPGpdr
Neutral enzyme for good grains and puckering effects on denim garments.
Bio-fading / Tinting
Sulfazyme TNZ series
Bio-fading enzymes that provide excellent, wash fast tints in one bath process.

89. Write the Dyeing bath process of Sulphur Dyes for cotton Readymade Garment.
I AM  STUDYING  ON  IT Q: 88, 89


90. Write difference between Sand Blasting and Hands Scraping.

Sand Blasting
Hands Scraping
1) It is a mechanical process.
1)It is a semi-mechanical process.

2) Sand get friction with garments by
2) Friction is occurred by emerypaper .

3) Effect  srayed  into whole texture.

3)Effect occurs at surface of garments.

4) High production.

4)Less production.

5) Body hazard (silicosis).

5)Buyer recommended process.

6) Less yarn character.

6)More yarn texture.